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European Parliament: Blitzkrieg against the right to life

Published: 19.10.2013

The EU-Parliament will politically neutralize the European Citizen Initiative "One of Us" by a resolution claiming a fundamental right to abortion. The resolution also calls for an improvement of State regulation to limit the exercise of the freedom of religions, conscience and conscientious objection. It calls for an EU wide compulsory sex education in primary schools "provided in a taboo-free interactive atmosphere between students and educators" and must convey a positive image of homosexuality. The 40 pages resolution reads like a novel of Frankenstein crowned of 12 EU stars. MEPs must vote therefore adopt the Motion for an Alternative Resolution.

As reaction to the popular success of the European Citizen Initiative "One of Us" on the implementation of EU case law C-34/10 (stating that the human being starts with conception and that human embryo represents a precise stadium of the development of the human body, its human dignity is protected by the relevant legal instruments), the EU-Parliament will adopt on Tuesday 22 October in Strasbourg a resolution promoting abortion (Estrela report A7-0306/2013). MEP Michael Cashman (UK, SOC), leader of the LGBT caucus and pro-abortion activist, publicly acknowledged his intention to fight a "Blitzkrieg" against the right to life, orchestrated by EU funded pro-abortion NGOs (UNFPA, IPPF, Marie-Stopes-International, Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung). The vote takes place one week before the deadline of "One of Us", the most successful citizen campaign in the recent European history.

The draft of the "Report A7-0306/2013 on sexual and reproductive health and rights (2013/2040(INI))" has been written by Vicky Claeys, Regional Director of the IPPF European Network (IPPF-EN, a pro-abortion lobbyist) and tabled by MEP Edit Estrela (Portugal, Socialist) at the European Parliament committee for women's rights. The report condemns political stands in favour of human life and accuses Poland, Ireland and Malta for their constitutional rules on abortion. It calls to guarantee sustainable funding to civil society organisations providing abortion, to ensure fertility treatments and assisted medical procreation for single women and lesbians (which is against the right of the child to know his/her father and mother). Member States are called to regulate and monitor the use of conscientious objection so as to ensure that abortion is guaranteed. The Strasbourg Assembly stresses that abortion is a basic right which should not to be restricted on the grounds of religion, for example by closing concordats. EU-Parliament further condemns the sterilisation of transsexual persons and accepts within that a newly transsexual man keep the biological ability to give birth even if no longer a woman. The EP stresses that within the EU and where relevant in its external policies, the EU must ensure that laws and policies are amended, enacted or repealed to respect and protect a right to abortion without discrimination on any grounds. This disrespects international law. EU-Parliament also calls to make sex education classes compulsory for all primary and secondary school children, provided in a safe, taboo-free, interactive atmosphere between students and educators, and to provide adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services which are to be accessible without the consent of parents or guardians. Sex education of teenagers must also convey a positive view of homosexuality and transsexuals. Finally, the EP recommends that, as a human rights and public health concern, high-quality abortion services should be made legal, safe, and accessible to all within the public health systems of the Member States, including non-resident women who often seek these services in other countries due to restrictive abortion laws in their country of origin. You can't say "stupid" any longer, because the EU will also create a "culture of acceptance, respect, non-discrimination and non-violence" to favour these positions. In other words, if one speaks out against this, one is expected to be accused of hate speech.

A Motion for an Alternative Resolution has been tabled. The alternative text deals truly with the prenatal and maternal health issues, the right to dignity, health and bodily integrity of all girls and women, the fundamental right to freedom of religion, conscience and conscientious objection, and respects the right of parents to decide on the education of their children. This Motion will be voted as first amendment to replace the initial report. Therefore, MEPs must vote in favour of amendment 1 = motion for an alternative resolution. Abstention does not count. As it is a nominal vote, electors will know whom to trust on Sunday 25 May, 2014 - day of the EU elections.

Joanna Banasiuk

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